quicksellcar.co.uk is the perfect solution to anybody thinking who will buy my car quickly and without having to accept a low offer from the traditional type of car buying websites.
Traditional Car Buying Websites
they usually make automated offers which simply cannot be accurate
they are usually buying cars to sell on to a dealer or put through auction for a quick profit, meaning you aren't really getting the best price
you will usually have to travel to their premises, our buyers will come to you
they have had a lot of bad press coverage recently for not honouring the original automated offer
you will have to visit lots of different sites to find the best "automated offer"
many have additional admin fees, take a commission or charge their buyer a commission meaning yet again you aren't really getting the best price
*we buy any kind of car and help you compare offers from lots of different car buying companies and actual car dealers across the UK with no obligation to sell
our dealers can collect from your home or work
with so many different dealers registered you are able to cut out the car buying websites that act as a middle man and potentially gain a lot more money for your car
you only have to add your details once
there are no admin fees or commissions so the price you are offered is the price you will be paid. We charge just £10 to list your vehicle and it remains live for 6 weeks on the site so newly registered buyers can also find the details
we can in a lot of cases obtain you more money than you will even get by part-exchanging for another car, although we wont ever promise this
- this is the same method the motor trade have been using since 1999 to sell their unwanted part exchanges and over-age stock, now available to you.